Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Rules of Being Human

This top 10 list of rules of being human was given to me by my mother. I'm not certain of where it originated, but it contains some true messages that I know have forgotten from time to time. Hope it helps you as it is helping me.

The Rules For Being Human

You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.

Growth is a process of trial and error: experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works".

A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.

There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive,there are lessons to be learned.

When your "thcrc" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another
"there" that will again look better than "'here".
When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here".

You cannot love or hate something about another poersan unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you need do is look,listen and trust.


(Let's hope not!)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Have You Forgotten That You Live in a Castle?

I'm not talking about where you physically live. I'm talking about your body, mind, and soul. Yes, they live in a castle.

You see, here's the analogy that John Welwood uses in "Love and Awakening". We are all born into a castle and as we grow older we begin to explore the castle. We go through every room and inquisitively search for both its mysteries and its treasures. Sometimes we find things we like and sometimes we find things we don't. But we accept our entire castle.

Then one day people come to our castle and tell us certain rooms are no good and shouldn't be part of our castle. We feel ashamed, humiliated, and frightened. So we do the only thing we can think of and try to hide those rooms so that they'll eventually disappear. BUT THEY DON'T. And suddenly our castle becomes a very tiny makeshift house as we try to elminate the rooms that are deemed by society as inappropriate.

Those rooms are part of us. Those rooms are "the dark side" of our personality. The things we don't like about who we are.

The more we try to hide those characteristics, the greater they prevail. If we accept the qualities that we do not like and even find some small token of goodness in them, then we can begin to feel whole and complete. Our "dark side" doesn't grow and overpower us, rather it plays a role in our development in life that helps to serve the greater good of who we are and who we are becoming.

When we fully acknowledge who we are (flaws and all) we learn to develop a true liking for ourselves. We find that we are no longer trying to deny a certain part of our personality to suit others or to measure up.

It is in this state that we can find true self-love and peace. I fully acknowledge that this is no easy task and one I work on daily.

The book, "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Debbie Ford explains, in greater detail, this concept. It's an enlightening read that will surely take readers on a path to greater understanding and love for all and most important themselves.

I Don't Have A Big Ol' But Or Do I?

I am half Thai and the other half French and English and I do not have a big "butt". In fact, sadly for me, some of my friends would say I never had a "butt" growing up... must be the Asian side influencing my backside.

But! I have had plenty of the other kind of "buts" in my life. You know, the kind that hold you back from achieving your dreams? The kind of "buts" that help create a million excuses about why you can't, shouldn't, wouldn't do something you really love and want to do. Those kind of "buts" have plagued my life and, I'm guessing, maybe you have a few "buts" that have haunted your life too.

If so, it's time to "leave the buts behind or they only get bigger" and I mean that in a big way. Every time we say "I'd like to do this "but", we run the risk of setting ourselves up for getting in the way or our own success.

I know giving up the "buts" is easier said than done... it is, however, worth it should you give it a try.

I suggest for just one day, "leave the buts behind" and see the difference it'll make in your day. Go ahead, I dare you. Join me and let's together give our big ol' "buts" the boot.

I feel so strongly about this that I've written a book about how to change your life and live the life you've always wanted. The book is called "If the Trash Stinks, TAKE IT OUT! 14 worriless principles for your success. Find it here.

May your "buts" be small and your success great!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friends You Never See In Person

I know that I may be a little behind the times but I just, literally, spent the last several hours going through emails, searching for passwords, usernames, Web sites, etc. just to connect with friends I rarely see in person. It's a bit ridiculous! I am talking, of course, about the whole Internet social networking thing. I guess it's really a good thing because so many of us have incredibly busy lifestyles with little time to actually connect in person, so this whole type-a-few-lines and you're having a virtual conversation is better than nothing... right?? I just connected with someone in Australia for example. Yet when he lived here in San Diego a few years ago, we never met for coffee to talk. Well, we at least reconnected online after a few years and it turns out he's in Australia where my book recently was published. Where will this whole Internet thing take us? I can hardly wait to see!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Can We Actually Get Younger Next Year?

It's the age-old question but it's also the 64-million dollar question (now I am showing my age!). Nearly everyone wants to age gracefully or, better yet, not at all. How do we do that?

Two men have written a book on how men age and become younger (functionally younger). Now, these same men have produced, Younger Next Year for Women by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge. It's a funny and interesting approach to learning how to keep us all young and healthy.

Can you guess what is at the crux of keeping us all young? Sure, nutrition is part of the equation but exercise is perhaps most vital.

You see whether you like it or not "being sedentary is the most important signal for decay" say the authors. If you aren't moving your body, exercising, doing something other than sitting on the couch then your body begins to break down. Every day that you don't exercise "you're telling your body that it's time to get old...". Yikes! Who wants to deliver that message? In a time when plastic surgery, cosmetic products, and foods all tout that they'll keep you looking and feeling youthful--simply not exercising can undo all that hard work? Horrible! But true.

The authors say that our bodies are programmed to decay, but exerting even just a little energy such as a good walk or a workout will help combat the decay and the rotting process. But, say the authors, you have to exercise every day! That's right--not just a few times a week, but actually each and every day. According to the book, over a 20-year period "failure to exercise six days a week will seem as self-destructive as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day."

So, is your body asking, "What have you done for me lately?" If the answer is a sheepish, "Nothing." Then it's time--right now--to back away from your computer and start exercising something other than your fingers! No matter your age, grab a partner and have a happy workout!